Packaging, Shipping & Storage of your Siren
Sirens are shipped in wood cases (Wood quality NIM P15) where they are securely attached.
Shipping costs are not included in the siren prices. They can be provided on estimates.
Inspect the siren when it is delivered. If any damage is observed, notify by writing to the transportation company, the necessary insurances, the manufacturer and, if needed, the detailer. The siren should not be installed before the problem is solved.
Siren model and identification number should match with the ones indicated on the bill.
When siren is not installed on its definitive site, it is forbidden to plug in the siren and to turn it on.
If siren functioning tests have to be performed, they have to be made in a special room securely sound-insulated, dedicated for this unique purpose.
If to be stored, siren has to be stored in its original packaging in a clean and dry space protected from dust, vibrations, gas, abrasive liquids and in a space where relative air humidity is inferior to 60%. To avoid bearings oxidation, and to insure a proper distribution of the lubricant, turn the rotor using compressed air jets, for instance, through the hearing openings.
Do not attempt to turn the rotor with your fingers! You might get pinched or cut.
Do not forget any tools or other objects in the housing!
In any cases, the siren should not be stored for more than 2 years without any inspections of siren bearings.

LM Sirens to send to Algeria, by Moteurs Fox, Tourcoing, France.

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